Monday, May 21, 2007


Hellz yeah, I got a blog now. *laughs*

Okay, yeah, I've got all these ideas zooming around in my head for shorts and stuff, and I spend most of my time drawing stuff for them, that I decided that I should have a place to post stuff and talk about life. Gahaha. Mainly art stuff though, cuz I'm boring like that.

Um... Well, since I'm going to post stuff here, I might as well put SOMETHING up..

For a story idea I have. From a few weeks ago; I've tweaked the design a bit since then.

Dante from a story idea I have going on... I KNOW, the PICTURE SUCKS. SHUT UP. It was a while ago. Gahahaha

Last one... I like this sheet, though again, from a few weeks ago... Musician and his wife Marika

I hate my drawings from a few weeks ago. Gahaha, but they're not gouge the eyes out kind of stuff, and I like Musician still.

ANYWAY, yeah, I'm going to posting a lot of original art and concepts up here. Just cuz. And the only thing devART is really only good for is fanart imo. But I'm done like that.


1 comment:

Laurin Crozier said...

Wawoo, first to comment EVER.

Well ya know. always love your stuff. Sorry to hear that you already hate stuff from just a few weeks ago, haha. I bet you cringe and flinch every time something of mine pops up, then. Wail and flail... "YYAAAAA THIS IS lame lame LAME!"

Anyhoo, I'm particularly fond of Nick's design.

See ya 'round!